Monday, February 8, 2016

February 8, 2016 - Elder Biehn's Weekly Update

Well another week has come and gone and here I am writing again. So there wasn't too much that happened to us this week, nothing too exciting. Just the same old visiting people, members, less actives, investigators, knocking doors, the usual. However, there was one thing that kind of set this week on a good note. And that is that my family I've been teaching WANTS TO BE BAPTIZED! That's right! They haven't given us a specific date yet but they have expressed the desire to be baptized. So our plan is to give them a date for the next time we come over. The story about it p is pretty hilarious too. So, we are picking up dinner from a member, and while she is preparing it, the wife calls us. I answer and I'm pretty sad because they won't be able to do the lesson we had planned for that day. But then it changes, she asks us if we can talk about the requirements for baptism the next time we have a lesson. I nearly did a backflip (not really because I am not that athletic...) and Elder Justesen was just watching my reactions the whole time so he was super confused. I told him they had to cancel our appointment for that day, but then I said that they want to be baptized. Here's where it gets funny. We asked the hermana if we could step outside for a minute, then once we were outside, we started screaming and running up and down the street! We probably looked like a bunch of idiots but I didn't care, this family is getting baptized!

That one moment was probably the highlight of my week, maybe even my month, because I've been teaching this family for the past 3 months now. So most of my time in Little River has been spent with them, and now to see my efforts start to pay off, it's awesome. Absolutely awesome. So after 5 months here, I'm finally starting to see some success.

Well that was probably the most exciting thing about my week, but that is still something EXTREMELY exciting.

From Elder Biehn