Hey everybody!
So I had a great week
this time around! It started off a bit rocky because we got snowed in again,
not nearly as bad as before but still we couldn't do anything. It didn't even
snow for very long, just in the morning until the afternoon so there wasn't a
ton of snow. However, apparently there is this thing called frozen
rain. Basically it is so cold that when it rains, the water instantly
freezes once it hits the ground. Well it was raining, and that means there was
ice, lots of ice, everywhere. We couldn't walk, let alone proselyte. I ended up
falling flat on my butt because I'm not used to walking on ice .
Elder Justesen fell too so that made me feel a little better and not like a
total Californian... So we spent that whole night inside, which really threw a
wrench in our plans.
But there is good
news! After all we did this week and doing a ton of finding, we ended up
finding a totally of 9 new investigators! That's a crazy amount! And the best
part is, they're all families! We found three new families that we will be able
to start teaching which gives us a crazy huge teaching pool. I love it when
things work out .
Another interesting
story, I now know why it is not a good idea to do trios. A trio is when there
are three missionaries working together, and I got to be in one on Wednesday.
Our district leader had an exchange he was going on, so that means Elder
Pickett had to come to us for that day. Well, we had a blast to say the least,
and if trios were a common thing, almost nothing would get done! We were still
able to get a bit accomplished though, but most of our night fell through. So
we were just cracking jokes the entire time we were driving from appointment to
Love you guys and
you'll hear from me next week!
Love Elder Biehn