Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7, 2016 - Elder Biehn's Weekly Update

Hey everybody!

I actually had a pretty good week this week. We hit a couple of our goals we had set which is a HUGE deal for this area. Normally we set our goals higher than we expectedly can reach 1. Because it stretches us to try and work harder and 2. Because those are the standards of excellence in the mission. Basically means "you should be doing this much every week." And the good news is we hit 3 of the goals we had set! I'd call that progress considering this area has been struggling in the past to try and get lessons and people to teach. We managed to find 5 new investigators just by working through members and trying to teach the part member families that we are already visiting. We also found another potential family we could teach just by knocking doors.

We also had an awesome experience with the family we were teaching who had seemed to really freeze in their progress. Let's just say God finds a way to humble his children, and when they do get humbled, missionaries are bound to be knocking on your door. It's been about a week since we had a chance to visit our family we are teaching, which worries me because a week is a long time and a lot can happened in a week. Well, a lot DID happen in a week but this time for our benefit. They have been going through some rough times with family situations, medical issues, etc. Basically they had a hard week. Then we come on over knocking at their door on Sunday night and the father answers the door. You know what he says to us? "Somehow I knew you guys would be stopping by today." Perfect! The words every missionary wants to hear. Then he said the words no missionary ever wants to hear. "I need to talk to you guys." When that phrase comes out of an investigators mouth, it could mean one of two things. 1. They have had a super rough time and need help or 2. They don't want to take the lessons anymore. Thank goodness it was the first one because he then goes to tell us about the crazy week him and his family have had. After this experience, I really believe we could be looking at baptizing a family before the end of the year. WHICH WOULD BE AWESOME!

This I believe has really been a testimony builder to the fact that God cares for each of his children and he prepares them in his time when they are ready. Then he sends his missionaries, (hey that's me!) to go and teach them the way, the truth, and the life. I just can't get over how perfectly planned everything is in missionary work. It truly is awesome.

Hope your guys' week was as great as mine! Love you all and you'll hear from me next week!

Elder Biehn

Only one pic this week, sorry.... But anybody seen the movie Remember the Titans? Cause I sure have!
Remember the Titans!

Pretty awesome if you ask me!