Hey everyone!
This has been quite the week for me. Another
good one for the books. Nothing too
exciting though which is odd. I've just been going about my normal business of studying every morning, then
teaching in the afternoons. This is kind
of bitter sweet but since my investigator got baptized, we don't really have any other progressing investigators.
Sure we have people to teach but they aren't
really making any progress. The point is,
we don't have anyone to teach right now. So we spent this entire week knocking. No success from that. We talked to
some people at the door just enough to say we
are missionaries and then "I'm not
interested" and slam the door. That's how every night was. So why did I like this week so much? I guess it
really just because I'm starting to enjoy
talking to new people and using the Spanish
that I have learned. I can really see and improvement, even more than before because now I'm teaching lessons and
not just adding a comment here and there.
It's really exciting to see! Anyways, my companion and I were able to get in contact with one of
investigators that really just forgot
about us, and we found an entire family! So now we have people to teach for this upcoming week.
I'm loving my mission right now and especially
since today is my three month mark. It's
hard to believe that I have already been through 3 months but at the same time that it has only been 3
months. I still have a lot to learn while
I'm out here and I have definitely seen a change.
For example, I like country now. That one is HUGE! Lol. But I have grown and now I have a great desire to serve.
Be safe and I will talk to you again next week.
Elder Biehn
Hey Everybody,
This past week was super crazy for me. I had a
lot of people that I met with throughout the week, lots of meeting
for all the other missionaries in my area, and I helped plan and
pull off a wedding and baptism! It was so
stressful planning a wedding because I had no idea what anybody was doing because no one would
communicate. It was ridiculous. But
overall the wedding went great and the bride and groom were both really happy.
Then the next day was the baptism of the bride.
She has been an investigator for a while but she was just
waiting on some divorce papers. Long story short, it all worked out and
she was able to get married. Then for the baptism, me and my
companion went over to her place to fill
out the baptismal papers and when we got to the paper of the person who will baptize her, we asked who she
wanted. She turns to me and says
"could you do it?" I was shocked, and she saw that she had caught me completely off guard. She just laughed and
said the look on my face was priceless.
But everything worked out and it went perfectly.
I was able to say the baptismal prayer, in Spanish, without messing up! It was so cool to have my first baptism.

Overall, the work is going good here in
Virginia. I'm enjoying the time I get to go out and talk to people. I'm
meeting so many new people; investigators, members, and missionaries
alike. One thing that makes it hard to
work is that it is becoming summer. And with summer comes extreme humidity is really hot weather. Just a
few days ago it was only 80 degrees
outside but the humidity made it feel like it was in the 100s. Not looking forward to June-August,
that's for sure.
I hope everyone is doing great back at home and
I love you all!
Elder Biehn
Hey everybody!
I hope you all had a great Mother's Day! I know
I did because it is one of the times I get to see my family. Yes, I
actually called them yesterday and not just emailing! It was so easy
since I have an iPad. All I had to do was go to the church building and call
them with FaceTime. The only
problem is that now I won't be able to call them again for 7 months, on Christmas. But they definitely were a site
for sore eyes and being able to talk to them has
really boosted my moral and desire to go
and serve.
Speaking of which, we have been working on
finding a lot more so that means
tracting. And of course, not much success from that. However, on May 8 at exactly 8:00 PM I had
the first door slammed in my face. I just
had to mark the moment, the first and definitely not the last. After he had slammed the door, I just stood there and
laughed. I found it hilarious honestly.
The look of "why me" or "oh great, the Mormons" on his face was priceless. I'm actually surprised that
it has taken a month to get my first door
slammed. The Latino community out here is actually
really polite and helpful, especially to a gringo like me trying to learn Spanish.
Summer is coming, and here in Virginia that
means humidity. Oh my gosh, it is brutal! It's just barely starting to
get hotter and I'm already dying. I'm not looking forward to July
and August. But for reason the people out here love to be more
active during summer. And can you guess
what sport I'm playing since I'm in the Spanish program?? Of course soccer, I volunteer as
goalie. We are actually going to go play with the other elders today and
probably for the rest of summer and fall.
As for teaching, I'm actually having more
success. I am participating more and more in every lesson and I'm having
actual conversations with people. Slowly
but surely it is coming along. My family asked if I can speak Spanish yet and I just shot off a random
sentence. They were just like, wow,
because I'm sure they didn't understand me. Lol.
A mission is definitely hard but now I'm
starting to like it.
Elder Biehn
Hey Everyone!
Ok so there really isn't that much to report on
for this week. The schedule stays the same for every single day.
The only thing that changes is the investigators that I meet. So
please don't get mad at me if these start getting short. Sorry!
Something that I have realized while I have been
out here is that this is not easy. I know
a lot of people told me it would be difficult but I didn't realize how hard. It's hard! Especially
learning a new language. I have a particularly hard time trying
to understand what people say. I can talk good enough to get my
point across but I can't do that if I don't know what they said. So dang.
In order to help me, my companion has decided to be playing just
music in Spanish. Yay.
There are some perks to the mission. For
example, the members love to feed you. I
don't understand why I didn't get any dinner appointments the first 3 weeks but now I'm getting a lot. It's
awesome because it's all authentic and
home made. Yum! Also, me and some other elders went to get frozen yogurt today. The owners are LDS and
said that all missionaries eat for free.
So we all got free frozen yogurt today.
Mother's Day is coming up this Sunday and that
means I get to skype with my family! I'm
so excited! It's been almost 2 1/2 months and I've only been able to contact them by email, once a week.
It'll be good to talk to them because I
think that can really help me be motivated. It is definitely discouraging not being able to talk to anyone and learning a new language. My family really has been
what has kept me going for these past 2
1/2 months. So, Mother's Day will be a very, VERY, good day. Then it’s back to email and I won't be able to call
them again until Christmas. That seems so far away.
Well, that's it for this week. I hope everyone
is doing well and just know that I love you all. Being in the
service of the Lord isn't the easiest thing, but it is very satisfying when it
pays off.
Elder Biehn