Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January 19, 2016 - Elder Biehn's Weekly Update

Ok so I don't have a lot of time today to write, for the same reason that I had to move my P-Day to today. And that is because I had the opportunity to go to the Washington DC Temple today! It was awesome to be able to go because one of the ward missionaries that we do a lot of work with wanted to go with us. So, this being the last week before transfers, we decided to go today.

Speaking of transfers... Transfers are this week, and I still have no idea if I am staying or leaving. However, I will be finding out tonight exactly what is going to happen. So I'll let you know next week if I stayed or left. I'm super anxious for this one because I honestly don't want to leave Little River. The members are great and there is still a ton of work I have to do.

So we also had a Charla Fogonera (fireside) this past Sunday for all new and returning members. And of course I got to see some old missionary companions and my favorite family that I taught in Bella Vista!

Sorry this one is kinda short, I'm short on time right now because we just got back from the temple. BUT I had a great experience of really feeling the spirit and understanding the savior on a more personal level. That is something I will always hold dear to me.

Ok that's it for today, love yah!
Elder Biehn