Monday, April 4, 2016

April 4, 2016 - Elder Biehn's Weekly Update

Hey everybody!

So I don't have much to report on this week. You see I got sick and basically couldn't do anything for the first couple of days. Then it decided to last the whole week. So I sat in my apartment, bored out of my mind! I felt so bad because that is exactly the opposite of what I need to be doing. But I'm better now and ready to put in my all this week.

So conference was amazing! I loved it because it was exactly what I needed! Every talk had something I could use to either help myself to improve or help the ward I am serving in. I loved the quote "We will never be perfect until after this life, what is important is if we keep trying to be perfect" and that really impacted me. It tells me that despite all my imperfections and things that I'm struggling with, it's meant to be! Just because I have made mistakes or I don't do things exactly right, it won't condemn me. As long as I'm trying my best to be like my Father in Heaven then I will be perfect, not in this world, but in the world to come. I really loved that. I loved the talk by Elder Holland where he mentioned that as long as people put in the effort to be perfect then we will receive blessings. If we had to be exactly perfect with no faltering allowed, Heavenly Father would not be able to give out any blessings! It is the intent that matters the most.

I loved the chance to listen to the leaders of the church because I know what they speak is the truth. And that is exactly what I must proclaim here in Virginia, the truth!

Love you guys and talk to you next week!

Elder Biehn