Hey everybody!
So first things first, we had transfers this past week and I finally got transferred! I have left my past area of Springfield for an area that's actually not too unfamiliar. I'm back in Bella Vista! That's right! I'm back where I started my mission, although not the same area. I started in Arlington, but now I'm in the other area, Falls Church. So I still need to learn a new area just not a new ward. You can't believe how excited I was when I found out. And then this past Sunday was awesome because I got to see all of the old members that I knew. And the best part is, they remembered me! I wasn't expecting that because it's been close to a year now since I was being trained. Crazy right? Oh and another bit of cool news. Not only am I back in Bella Vista, but now I'm serving as the district leader for my district. Monday night I got the call saying that I will be serving as district leader and Tuesday night is when I found out I will be heading back to Bella Vista.
I have to admit though, I do miss my old area of Springfield and the Little River Ward. That's where I knew everybody and everything. I mean, I was there 8 months so of course it grew on me. BUT I'm excited to be able to do the same exact thing for this Ward now. It helps too because I kinda have a head start on getting to know people and the area. A lot is already super familiar, I just have to relearn it now.
Oh right! My new companion! So remember about 6 months back when I said that we were getting a greenie in the little River Ward? Well, now he's all grown up and is my new companion! Elder Pickett and I are together now which I'm super excited about. I don't even have to spend the time now to get to know my new companion because I already know him! So this transfer just keeps getting better and better!
I'm so excited to be able to jump into an area and start working right away, especially one that I love so much. I always knew I would return to Bella Vista, I just didn't know when. Oh yeah! I forgot today is also my 14 month mark. Crazy how time flies...
And here is my new
apartment address....
Falls Church, VA 22046
Love you guys and talk to you next week!
Elder Biehn
Me and My New Companion Elder Pickett. |
Big Rock Ready to Crush Me...Had to get a picture of the moment. I feel like I'm Indiana Jones. |
Pose for Effect. |
My New District |