Elder Tayler Biehn

Monday, September 29, 2014
What a busy month! Tayler's dentist appointment was September 6th. No cavities, he is good to go! His physical was on Tuesday, September 23rd. His interview with the Bishop was later that same night at 8:00 pm. His interview with the Stake President was on Wednesday, September 24th at 9:00 pm. We received a phone call the day after his physical that indicated that he had blood in his urine and needed some additional testing. We went to the hospital on Thursday the 25th to do an ultrasound and additional tests. We went back to the doctor on Friday to have his TB test read, and we visited the Urologist on Saturday morning. When everything came back okay, we headed straight from the doctor's appointment and dropped his papers off at Brother Lazoore's house (the Stake Executive Secretary). The papers were submitted to Salt Lake on Sunday, September 28th.